6 Practical Tips on Choosing Roof Colors

The roof's color can either make or break the overall appearance of your home. Choosing the right hues for your home can create visual harmony and increase its curb appeal.

Read on as top-rated roofing contractor, Colorado Roof Toppers shares some tips on how you can pick the perfect shingle color for your home.

1. Complement Siding and Shutters

Choose colors that contrast with the siding and shutters to create dimension and depth. Your home will look monotonous if the roof's color matches the siding. For example, black or dark blue siding works well with gray siding.

2. Utilize Color Blends

Asphalt shingles come in either solid colors or blends. If your siding is solid-colored, then blended color patterns can give your home more appeal.

3. Create Visual Balance Through Light or Dark Shingles

Dark colors create more emphasis than light colors. Multi-level homes look good with dark shingles as they balance the height of the house. Medium colors suit ranch houses more because dark shingles can look dominating especially on high, steep-pitched roofing systems.

4. Consider Your Home's Architecture and Location

Match the look of your home with its build and location. Traditional homes look good with black or dark-toned shingles. Blend in a wood-sided home situated among trees with a green or green/brown roof. A white beach house with red trim paired with a blue roof complements the nautical theme.

5. Keep Up With Your Neighborhood Standards

Choose colors that blend with houses in your neighborhood. If there's a homeowners association in your area, abide with the allowed exterior colors. Making your house stand out is not always good for resale.

6. Keep Your Local Climate in Mind

Dark shades absorb heat while light colors reflect it. The color of the shingles can increase the temperature of your attic by up to 40 degrees. Dark shingles suit cool climates as they melt snow and ice faster while light shingles in warmer places can help manage your cooling bills.

If you're still conflicted on what color to choose, get advice from residential roof replacement experts like Colorado Roof Toppers. You can trust us because of our decades of experience in the business. Our team provides the best quality home improvement services to homeowners in Collins and Parker, CO. Call us at (303) 622-0305 or (303) 622-0305 to request a free estimate.

by Denise Bart February 04, 2019